вторник, 13 марта 2012 г.

Brooks named Saints' starting QB Cops blasted for dropping Tyson case

Aaron Brooks was selected the starting quarterback for the NewOrleans Saints today, beating out veteran Jeff Blake. "A number ofthings came into the decision," coach Jim Haslett said. "Jeff iscoming off an injury, and it takes time to get back to 100 percent.

"We weren't trying to replace Jeff. He was the guy we signed lastyear to be our quarterback. It just so happened he got hurt. Aaronstepped in and did a great job and he really took over the job." TheSaints acquired Brooks in a trade with Green Bay during training camplast summer. Brooks became New Orleans' starter after Blake broke hisright foot against the Oakland Raiders in the 11th week of theseason. He passed for a team-record 441 yards against Denver and ledthe Saints to their first playoff victory, beating the defendingSuper Bowl champion St. Louis Rams.

The attorney for a woman who claims she was raped by Mike Tysoncriticized prosecutors for dropping the case, saying authoritiestreated her client more like a suspect. Gloria Allred said theinvestigation to determine whether to press charges against Tysonraised disturbing questions about the sensitivity of San BernardinoCounty investigators.

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